
Onsite Development Facilities
BankNet's own development facility houses a wide array of hardware and software products ranging from Intel-based workstations and servers to IBM mainframes. This enables us to develop and test solutions for our customers without placing a burden on their own valuable development resources. It also allows us to test hardware/software configurations and solutions without disrupting our customers' own data center operations — we are able to perform "proof-of-concept" exercises quickly.

Software Products
To complement our outsourcing solutions BankNet provides a range of software product offerings to our customers. These range from reusable business objects which serve as application development building blocks to commercial program products — primarily productivity and testing tools — which we license to our customers.

Global Customer Base
BankNet has a global client base — with customers using our services and software products in more than 20 countries.

A Success Story: Royal Bank Term Investment System
In December 1996 Royal Bank of Canada contracted BankNet, on a strategic outsourcing basis, to design and develop a new system to manage its core term investment business. Royal Bank needed a new system to replace its existing suite of aging term investment systems. A key business objective was to achieve a level of flexibility which would allow rapid creation of new, innovative investment products. The system was also to support 7/24 real-time availability and various emerging delivery channels — including the Internet. Above all, Royal Bank wanted this system to be operational by October 1, 1997 — a tall order!

By any measure this was a very large scale development project. And a highly ambitious one, given the aggressive delivery schedule. Not only was a complex system to be designed and developed from scratch, but it would also need to interface correctly with a myriad of existing legacy systems — this required a massive testing effort. As the project was fixed-price, there was no room for error.

In October 1997 the new term investment system went live — and on schedule! The project was a complete success. The delivered system consisted of more than 500,000 lines of COBOL and C++ code. And this was all developed and tested during a construction phase spanning a mere 7 months! Today, Royal Bank operates this system in a continuing partnership with BankNet. Royal Bank offers to its customers an impressive variety of term investment products — some of the most innovative products in the entire industry — making Royal Bank the undisputed industry leader in this type of investment product.

The Royal Bank term investment system is an example of the type of large scale development projects undertaken by BankNet and an example of the type of long term technology partnership role we play.