Emerging Technology R&D
We scan industry continually for emerging technology trends, and
we perform R&D in those few emerging technologies that have i)
the greatest probability of adoption by our clients, and ii) the
potential to significantly impact them. Typically, BankNet's applied
R&D consists of performing 'real-world' evaluations of new technology
in order to assess its readiness for deployment at large companies.
Two recent examples are wireless technology and IBM's WebSphere
product for the S/390.
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Product Development
We constantly enhance our products based on comments from clients
and feedback from our own internal users. There are two gating
factors for a potential enhancement. First, will it increase the
productivity of our internal users? Second, is there sufficient
market demand to warrant a product's further development?
BankNet will proceed
with an enhancement that passes through either of these two gates.
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New Products
Most of BankNet's new products are direct responses to our own
internal development needs, and are thus the by-product of our
development of solutions for clients. When we uncover the need
for a new utility to increase our own productivity, we develop
it for our internal use. If we then determine that a market demand
exists, we "productize" the utility. For example, we developed
our XTRACE product in order to speed up and improve our own unit
testing of COBOL and Assembler programs.
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